JAMMA Helper offers simple handling of your Arcade Game Project.
All signals have through hole solder points and be used to grab signal and forwards them to any gear you want.
Example use:
- Multi JAMMA Game: PCB like 276, 138, 352, 400 in 1 and more use 6 buttons non JAMMA conform pin interface. Normal Jamma interfaces and superguns only support 3 buttons. Jamma Helper just offers you the button 4, 5 and 6 for player 1 and player 2.
- Video interface red, green, blue and sync for our scaler PCB can be accessed. This way screens with VGA interface can be used in your arcade project.
- All signals are available on the PCB as through hole solder points
- Power supply solder points can be used
You get :
- 1 Piece JAMMA Helper PCB
Capcom Classic Jamma Adapter
Arcade Power Supply Unit
Jamma Arcade extension cable with enclosure
This Product was added to our catalogue on 01/04/2021.